June 05, 2012


I haven't really put anything here for awhile...
but not like anyone reads this or even knows this blog exists anyway.

Lately I've been slacking off more than I should be, but I shouldn't since grades are so important in this school. Right now, I should be studying for my Spanish test or memorizing my script for my chemistry project, but my laziness is kicking in big time. I know I shouldn't be slacking off so much, but summer is so close! Next Wednesday I'll be free for a few days, and then it's SAT classes on the Monday afterwards. Eh. Why am I signed up for this moneyscam class again? Oh, right. To improve my shitty 1580. I would self-study, but I am very lazy and lack motivation for anything that has to do my important future because it just all reflects back on my SAT score. I don't really aim for the big colleges, such as Harvard or Stanford. Nor am I now going to aim for the "high UCs", such as UCLA or UC Berkeley, since they are impossible to get in with my current stats. If possible, I would rather just go to a state college instead of a "low UC" (ex: UC Riverside, UC Merced).

I really think this "high UC, mid UC, low UC" thing is just some kind of crazy concept that Asian parents and these prep schools have. I hear it just depends on the major. Apparently UC Irvine is best for biotech, but prep schools only call it a "mid UC". My mom wouldn't really mind me going there, since she probably doesn't expect me to go to a UC, or anything above "mid UC".

Am I repeating myself? Oh well.

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