December 15, 2012

Sometimes I don't like the world of crushes and relationships. Gets my head all fucked up. Guys as friends are nice to talk to, but when your hormones get in the way it's hard to contain anything. But otherwise, they can make better friends than girls (if they aren't the ass type of course.)

When the tables are turned, this is when everything starts to get all potentially messy for both of us. In one instance, the guy will start talking to me and I will perceive this conversation as a friend-type, which is fine. Then, he will start talking to me all the time or talk about really different things, and I still follow as the friend-type because I am those diverse conservators...kinda. Anyway, he also starts dropping "hints", which is probably a bad move because I have no fucking clue about anything. If other people start noting this, they will tell me, but I will just deny it because I don't like to deal with shit like this (last time this happened I just facepalmed everywhere and I had no clue what was going on because everything was just so damn awkward.)

Maybe in my high school career so far I have/am "friend-zoned" a couple of guys.  Not sure what to feel, guilty or flattered (but not both.)

Meh, people.

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